Raumati electric vehicle charging stations

raumati charging station

Raumati electric vehicle charging stations

You can find electric vehicle charging stations at the following Raumati locations:

Raumati Road
15 Raumati Road, Raumati

Plugs Quantity Power
Combined Charging System (CCS) 1 50kW
CHAdeMO 1 50kW

Useful information

15 Raumati Road, Raumati 5032
Kāpiti Coast, Aotearoa New Zealand

GPS coordinates (Latitude, Longitude)

In the car park, opposite Four Square, near the pedestrian crossing

Operated by
0800 224 274

$0.25 / kWh + $0.25 / minute

Open 24 hours 7 days a week

Switched on
11 February 2019

2 dedicated parking spaces

Local shops, cafés, bar, gardens, playground and public toilets.

Photos and videos

Photos of the Raumati Road electric vehicle charging station in Raumati.
Raumati charging station
Raumati electric vehicle charging station
Raumati electric vehicle charging location
Raumati electric vehicle charging parking
Raumati electric vehicle charging ccs connector
Raumati electric vehicle charging chademo connector

360º video of the Raumati Road electric vehicle charging station in Raumati.

Do you know of more charging stations in Raumati?
If so, please Let us know and we will add them to the list.
Contact Kāpiti Electric Vehicle Society.